So here are some more sketches! YAY!
First I'd like you to meet Violet. She's kind of a bitchy, stubborn and closed-off person, explaining her expression. She's one of the friends the main character meets and sticks with during the second part of the book, when she's in a desert region to oversee a conflict between nations. There Elle becomes part of a typical trio, I suppose, like you see in most stories. Most of the time she's just with her familiar, but in the desert she becomes attached to two other guards. And, for some time the familiar isn't always there... ~ooh mystery~
Next we have the other part of her trio, his name for now is Serb, which I chose not even realizing that is actually a word... But the sound of it suits him so well. Even so I think I'll have to change it. He's more friendly, the heart of the group, kind of, despite Elle being so emotional. I thought it would be nice to have a warm-hearted guy in the mix when so often those types of characters are shown as weak or useless. He's like a dad, kind of. In many ways he and Violet end up acting as parents for our orphaned protagonist.
There are actually two sketches of Serb, and you'll see the question mark on the second one; he's supposed to be around forty, which is still young, especially for their world, but the first sketch is my first attempt and he was way too old-looking. The second one is better, but I don't know if it's quite perfect. Still, you get the idea.
This is the uniform Elle ends up wearing, it's pretty standard, Serb and Violet are mages and wear something similar but they also have a lightweight cloak that all mages have, that may or may not be magical armor. Either way, Violet is for some reason very attached to hers.
Progress on editing, this past week, was minimal since I finally started working. For three straight days I scraped up goat poop and was almost humped by an alpaca. It sounds annoying but I really loved it. I got to just hang out with the animals for a couple days and it was strangely therapeutic, just being there by myself.
That job is over but the past couple days I've been working at Six Flags more, which doesn't have animals or feces involved (usually). So I've been pretty tired and lazy. I'm going to edit a lot today though.
Problems I'm Thinking About:
-general suckage
-character consistency
-mastering the use of dialogue
-well-rounded characters
-concise story-arcs for chapters (actually the last chapter I finished was great with this and I'm very satisfied)
-In the series, will the first book be considered lackluster (maybe it's just since I was recently very excited about the next book- they'll all be very different, but all the others deal more with a larger theme that is only hinted at in the first one.)