Alright so since I last posted I've done a lot of stuff, including finishing the read-through.
I have a notebook now of all my problems and even have the two problems I was most worried about kind of solved in my head. So it's a successful step in this whole beast of a project! The 'Giant List of Doom' method totally works and I maybe should have done that first. But it was easier to read now that I've gone through it all for phrasing already. So no regrets.
I'll start the actual going-back and chopping things up next week. For now I have a million other projects to get started on/work on/finish before I go back to school in a few weeks so I should do stuff with that.
Other news! I'm making a tumblr. You should all go check it out in a few days once I start posting. For further reference though the url is! It'll be great fun. It's going to be a writing blog, but not just for my manuscript like this one is. I'm going to supplement this blog, as well as promote it on the tumblr but I'm going to do the more tumblr-esque reblogging and general writing nerdery as well. I used to have a tumblr way back when and the writing community on there is really fun.
The tumblr will also update on my other writing projects, and probably some illustration as well. So yay! more projects! and Art things!
Speaking of illustration: I have like three more painting ideas for this story, and I really want to start working on a full-cast painting, or at least a couple of different-setting casts. I've been doing more digital painting and it's beautiful to work with.
New inspiration: Wildweasel339 on deviantart, I believe his name is Lane Brown? this is a link to ONE of his beautiful paintings:
but really he does the most amazing things. especially fantasy landscapes and scenes. It amazes me beyond words.
That's all for this post! More next time! (hopefully that won't be three weeks from now!)