Thursday, August 23, 2012


Elle had never known anything but the path she was shown, until the older people in their dark cloaks came to fetch her from the orphanage, two years early. These strange people knew she was destined along a different path, on which power beyond her wildest dreams would catch up with her. But they hadn't been the ones to set this path. The prophecy had.

Current Word Count: 113,600

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hello All

Thank you for visiting. My name is Leigh Shine, and right now I'm in the midst of writing. Writing what? Well a book, naturally. It actually is yet to be named, but for now The Prophecy sounds dramatic enough, so that's going to be the page name. That won't change, even if the book title does. This story has been in my head since I was five, growing each night as I told it to put myself to sleep. I decided, for the past year's NaNoWriMo to use this story, after failing the challenge in the 2010 round. (If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, check out the link in the sidebar!) I finished the challenge, writing fifty thousand words of the story in the month of November, and am now on a quest to finish it. I'll update with my word count as we go along, and I'll have a premise up soon. Please, stay along for the ride, and hopefully the book will be finished soon.

On this blog I'll post character and setting sketches, and maybe a teaser or two once I get into editing. I'm currently a bit over halfway through the story, with nearly one hundred thousand words. I plan on finishing the book by the fall, and spending November to edit it.

If you want, you can check out the blog I run with my good friend Alison, over at -- that's in the links also.

Well wishes,