Sunday, June 2, 2013


No clever title for this one, sorry.

This'll be a quick post, as well. I just wanted to update y'all. I've been finally getting some stuff done! I'm on page 35, which isn't that great, but i did most of that in the past couple days so it is.

I have a newly ordained third chapter! It was tough getting there but now that I have it doesn't feel like it'll be that hard to make another one.

The writing still sucks, and I have sooo much unecessary blathering. Not to mention some of the characters were really... I don't know, not true to themselves? in the beginning, so I'm working on making them more noticibly different from the start. I should do some profiles to remind myself of what they should be acting like as I go; I'm sure characters changed a lot through the writing of it. I know the main character did, very drastically.

The main character- I'll admit it now- actually made me very nervous for a while. My one friend introduced me to the Mary Sue Litmus Test and told me I need to check myself before I wreck myself, and for the longest time Elle failed it. Now I just have to bring the originality she accumulated as I got more familiar with her into the begining, so her character development later in the story has more of a logical impact.

But I know what I need to do! I'm finally getting into the swing of it!

Now seriously, to bed.

Problems I'm Thinking About:
-general suckage
-character consistency
-what is the title going to be??
-mastering the use of dialogue

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